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Shounen Maid

It all began with the passing of his mother. Still an elementary school student, Komiya Chihiro was abruptly seized of a place to stay, and a family since his mother was all that he had before. Some kind neighbours had offered to take Chihiro in temporarily, and considering the prickly situation, he was exceptionally level-headed and way beyond. Simply put, you wouldn't think that Chihiro was just an elementary school student who had just gone through a severe bout of loss, pain, blah blah blah. Well, I would think that a child who needed to grow up fast (at least mentally and emotionally) might just slip rather badly, and any remote hint of suppression might inevitably crumble off its intended disguise. In other words, adult supervision would still be necessary, like it or not.

Hence, Chihiro found himself rather awkwardly a relative on his late mother's side of the family. An unbelievably wealthy relative. An unbelievably huge house. A personal secretary. Chihiro and Taketori Madoka would first meet over a little incident just around the street where Chihiro had originally stayed. Madoka didn't look a single bit like somebody who was actually related to Chihiro. The apprehension had gradually worn off though, as Chihiro realised that he genuinely needed help in the long run despite his reluctance to be dependent on anybody. A quick-thinking Madoka then suggested something which would allow Chihiro to be the diligent, independent person that he was.  

That was how he became essentially a maid. Yeah, most of us would be awfully familiar of the typical maid in a lot of anime and manga series. The incredulously hilarious part was that Chihiro didn't read or think much of such a peculiar arrangement, in particular the 'requirement' to put on a maid uniform. It had seemed like a natural thing to do. Sweep, clean, wash. Sweep, clean, wash. In a maid uniform. Most of us would probably associate that with cosplay. Then again, nobody would actually clean in that. Frankly, a good pair of coveralls would be so much better, and practical. Anyway, Chihiro would prove to be an extremely skilled and gifted worker. Of course, his first day on the job had some minor hiccups which were largely due to Madoka.  

After the initial disbelief and such, Chihiro's predicament would slowly but steadily change for the positive. Because he was so good at what he did, what felt like a daunting task for many had been a piece of cake. There was nothing but strong perseverance of wanting to make a better life ahead. Madoka, despite his wacky tactics, was in fact a nice, caring guardian to Chihiro. Oh, there was also his personal secretary and childhood friend, Shinozaki Keiichirou. Keiichirou also cared a lot for Chihiro, though his ways were a lot more normal than those of Madoka. Then, there were Chihiro's friends in school, who were worried about how he had been coping with his situation.  

I wish that I could visit. I mean, that omelette rice looked really delicious. I could probably make my own omelette rice though, or simply eat out. Well, that wasn't the point anyway.  

This is Shounen Maid.

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪

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