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Yuri!!! On Ice

Monday, February 20, 2017 / No Comments
The universe is forever brimming with new and newer things, many of which are quietly manifesting somewhere, and whether or not the person intended realises their existence depends on how strong the radar within reacts. Mostly, the reaction is rather immediate. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for my case. I would wonder how certain titles could pass me by for the longest time. Anyway, here is one of those...

Ice-skating. I have always wanted to ice-skate, but surprisingly after so many years of wanting to do that, I am still nowhere near an ice-skating rink. I would watch the crowd whiz past one another from a few floors above (the rink is usually at the basement of the shopping mall), and wonder how I would look like on the same spot. Unfortunately, ice-skating is extremely expensive to even try for fun.

Anyway, I can't believe that Yuri!!! On Ice has passed me by for the longest time. Recently, I came across one of the magazines (sorry I can't remember the title) featuring the main characters. I was rather drawn to the illustration style, but I didn't think that it would be a competitive sports-themed anime. If you were to ask me what I thought Yuri!!! On Ice would most likely be, [remark censored for general unsuitability]...

Then again, almost anything could be some adrenaline-pumping, highly competitive entity these days. Maybe the world is more desperately in need of a bigger, better change. With sports that symbolise and highlight deeper essentials beyond the usual entertainment, I suppose that it isn't any surprising how even a noob like myself could find pleasure in some of the titles. In some sense, it beats appreciating the actual sport. Okay, I am just not athletic...

Ice-skating feels like immersing into some unknown universe, full of uncertainties and challenges ahead, yet the intensity of the skates whizzing across the rink assures that the journey would come a full circle. Of course, if you tumble and hit yourself hard, reality beckons nonchalantly. But for the adventurous, it is just the beginning. I don't think I would ever step inside, but the thrill doesn't cut short for me either.

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪

「Book Review」Kimi no Na wa (Your Name): Official Guidebook

Sunday, February 19, 2017 / No Comments
Kimi no Na wa must be one of the most popular titles in the industry now. Being a Shinkai Makoto fan, I was so eager to jump onto the bandwagon and definitely wasn't disappointed. This title not only brought about a refreshing concept of time-travel but also challenged gender roles in Japanese society through the gender-switching.
As with my other book reviews, I will not be showcasing every single page in this book but will be using several pages as examples for the different sections in the book. For starters, let's start with the book cover.

The front and back covers of the book covers. They take the official illustrations for both covers which also illustrates the main characters Taki and Mitsuha. While there's that, I wished they used the adult Mitsuha at the back of the book instead since I like the design of Adult Mitsuka!
The cover of the main book is printed in blue and gives a very calming feel to the series as well.
Opening to the first page gives us the title in both Japanese and English and the title of "Official Visual Guide". I call it a guidebook instead as there's also interviews and quite a bit of words in addition to the gorgeous pictures.

I find the screencaps chosen very appropriate such as the one on this page which is a very nice moment in the movie and very memorable as well.
A two-page illustration of the comet for the content page. Anyone who watched the movie probably remembers this from Taki's scene.
A few more screencaps to show how pretty and detailed each frame is. I really love the details and calming feel of the backgrounds in Shinkai's films so I tend to buy all the visual guidebooks and artbooks available. This is by far the first series that has such a huge volume of goods available for choosing!
We have sketches as well and these act as dividers for the different sections. There is also beauty in using these since are very different from the carefully drawn, colored and perfected background illustrations. With these sketches, it feels like we are given a chance to feel the series at its rudimentary stages.
 A brief overlook of the series with several screencaps. There are also several taglines featured too.

This is the start of the next section and we have the gender-switched couple to remind us of the whole plot of the series once again.
This next section is on the voice actors of the main cast and I am a very huge fan of Taki's seiyuu -- Kamiki Ryuunosuke. Kamiki is quite a popular actor and isn't actually considered a Seiyuu. Perhaps it is because of this that their not-so polished voices make the characters more natural and endearing?
Next is an interview with everyone's favorite Shinkai Makoto! If you are a fan of him like myself, it really pays to have this book~
Of course, we have no lack of interview pages as well~

Next up are genga sketches of several scenes in the movie. Like I said before, this brings us back to the preparation of the movie in its rudimentary stages which brings us fans much closer to the series.

Also , we finally have very detailed background. The lighting for the scenes are so pretty ~
And last but not the least, we shall end off with the character guide. I'll be using Mitsuha as an example. She has about 5 full pages to showcase her different outfits, expressions and hairstyles. Taki has almost the same number of pages while the other characters have, obviously, less pages.

 We also have sketches of the layout of the town Mitsuha was in and some iconic buildings too.
This iconic object also deserves its own place in the book. We not only get how it looks on its own but also on Taki.
 We have some motions in the show and there are examples of how it works and gets processed and changed into the 2D form. Here's to Taki sketching the town!
Finally, I'll like to bring this image up where the different strings are slowly weaved together. The different patterns on each actually bring each other very well together as complements and the amount of colors actually brings the image and actual scene to life. In the series itself, you can even see the texture of the string in that simple scene! 
Would you recommend this book?
Of course! If you are a fan of the movie, this is the perfect item to get to keep a piece of the movie by your side. By flipping through the book, all the appropriate screencaps will punch you through the gut with feels. This is definitely one of the impulse buys that I'm proud of getting!

~ Reina-rin

Yumeiro Cast: Treasure Gacha Event

Friday, February 17, 2017 / No Comments
Yumeiro Cast has several event types and this is one of them. In this event, you'll be playing the event songs which you can receive rewards from. There are up to 5 rewards each song can give and you can get a bronze, silver of gold reward for each. Gold rewards guarantee getting gacha ticket while silver and bronze will give a chance for tickets or other rewards.

By playing different difficulties of the event song, you can receive different number of tickets for each reward as well. For instance, a gold reward on a Expert song gives 4 tickets while one on a Hard song gives 3 only and so on.

Likewise, while a gold reward on an Expert guarantees 4 tickets, a silver reward gives the possibility of giving 3 tickets (or other rewards) and a bronze reward gives an even lower possibility of getting 2 tickets.
This is the event details and the UR card. The right half (angel) shows the unidolised version while the left (devil) shows the idolised version. The purple line translates to "Will you forgive the me who lied to you?" which is probably a hint to how he lied about being an angel but is actually a devil...?

As you see, the event duration is from 7 Jan to 15 Jan so I'm a little late on posting this review...
This is the scouting box itself. Each scout takes 10 tickets while a 10-roll will obviously take 10 times more, making it up to 100 tickets. For this event, each box has 100 cards in total and this includes 1 UR and 6 SRs while the rest are Rare and Trainer-Rare cards (known as Coaches).

This guarantees 1 UR in a 100 roll but one will generally get the UR before needing to clear the entire box. When that happens, you can simply hit the red reset button on the top right (above Angel Jin UR illustration) and that will reset the box back to its filled state.
These are the rates for the box. URs start at 1% in a filled box and will increase as the number of cards in the box dwindles. As you can see from the image above, I have drawn a few Rs from this box already.
Each song will give a tremendous amount of tickets for clearing the song and hitting score ranks. A C score will give 10 extra tickets and a S score will give 20 more tickets in addition, for a Hard song.
Comparing to the previous image and the one above, we see that the gold rewards in the bottom half of the page have flipped, each giving 3 tickets for the Hard difficulty.
And if you are lucky, once in a while you might get gold rewards for all of them!
Thankfully my luck for this event wasn't bad at all and I was able to get a copy before hitting the halfway mark every time. That gives me a lot of time to get more copies of the UR too.
 Time to reset the box! 

I managed to secure 6 copies of this UR in this event where one of them was sacrificed to increase the skill level of another UR. As for the remaining 5 copies, one was used to idolized my main card and the other 3 were used to limit break it.

An unidolized UR goes up to level 80 and idolizing increases that limit to 100. However by special practicing that with other duplicates will increase that level limit by 10 each time, up to a total of 30. Each time, one of the arrows on the top right of the screen shown in the image above will light up.

The three buttons at the bottom of the screen reads: Changing cast illustration (between idolized and unidolized), add/remove from favorites, remove member.
I hope this review will inspire more people to join YumeCast because it's a good game and I'm currently addicted to it! But on a more serious note, I do love the high UR rates in scouts, and they have guaranteed UR scouts rather frequently too. Likewise, they have URs in event rewards itself, and while a single copy of the UR is pretty easy to get, a second copy will require investing more time and effort.

I would say... this is a perfect game for those who have a little time to spare and want to get a boost to their ego from a kind RNGesus finally~

~ Reina-rin