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Puri Puri Chii-chan!!

Once in a blue moon, I stumble upon some really peculiar yet irrationally charming anime by sheer accident, and some unknown radar would just beep furiously at the mere presence of such. The upside (that is, if I could ever keep up with it) is probably the fluffy, feel-good aura which remains difficult to explain in this universe. Anyway, you see that cute thing above? His name is Chii-chan. Yeah, Chii-chan is a boy from the underground (apparently, there are living things down under). One day, Chii-chan simply decides to explore what is above his world.

Well, there is an actual purpose to say the least. Chii-chan wants to eat some sweets (and by some, it actually is quite a lot). So he sort of digs a hole, pops out of it, scampers to the nearest mart where he discovers to his absolute delight a wide array of sweets. He then proceeds to eat them, not realising that he is being busted (not so much for eating but rather the fact that he isn't human). In the end, Chii-chan quickly runs out of the store after having his fill. Unfortunately, he has eaten a tad too much, and the hole that he had dug earlier has become too small for him to squeeze through.

Enter the human girl who rescues Chii-chan from his predicament - her name is Yuuka. Interestingly, Yuuka doesn't seem the slightest horrified. She is just surprised to discover an alien being at the back of her house. Initially, Chii-chan thought that all humans would capture and dissect his species for various experiments. He becomes genuinely surprised at Yuuka's warm hospitality. There is a little funny scene where Chii-chan realises that he is stark naked (Yuuka has put his pants into the laundry), and laments that he can't get married. 

Naturally, Chii-chan ends up staying with Yuuka (there can't be another way anyway) to show his gratitude. Yuuka shows a space where Chii-chan can sleep in. He happily bounces up the ladder, only to find something else sitting at the corner...

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪

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