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Songs of Japan

Monday, July 27, 2020 / No Comments
As an avid listener of music, I could never imagine having a day without listening to my favourite tunes while doing work, playing games or just lazing about. Of course, with how much I listen to music, there is no surprise that I listen to many different genres of the music world. However, I always find myself attracted to Japanese music more often than not. To me, Japanese music has a certain attraction to me that can't be replicated by others. From J-Pop to Anison, I always feel satisfied and entertained while listening to them. With that said, I'd like to share my passion for Japanese music with you all!

Yonezu Kenshi

As previously mentioned, I am a broad listener of all music genres, and I usually pick the genre depending on my current mood. Using my experience, I will introduce some of the genres as well as their relative hit songs to let you familiarize and if possible, capture your attention. I will also be listing my personal opinions on the good and bad of that genre. I will also list some artists known in that genre so that it'll be easier for you to find their music. Let us start with what I think is the broadest genre of Japanese music, J-Pop.

1) J-Pop

As my favourite overall genre, I have most of my time listening to music in this genre. As a newcomer to Japanese, you would definitely not want to miss this genre as there are many gems hidden under this mine, waiting to be uncovered. These songs tend to be a hit most of the time, whether in Japan or overseas. The songs in this genre tend to be upbeat and fast, though there are many popular slow songs as well. Regardless, they never cease to uplift my spirits whenever I choose to listen to this genre. As many new artists with aspiring dreams and amazing songs to boot appear, I think that you'll at least find a new favourite song or artist. 

Yonezu Kenshi - Lemon

One artist that's renowned in this genre and one that I am also a huge fan of is Yonezu Kenshi. In particular, I'll be referring to his hit song, Lemon. Written as the theme song of a drama released in Japan, it quickly gained traction in popularity. When I first heard the song and saw its lyrics, I couldn't help but tear up. The song was to depict the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one. I could definitely feel the emotions put into the work when the lyrics were sung. It was like multiple punches to my stomach as I quickly thought of someone I lost. The song was definitely a masterpiece.

Yonezu Kenshi - Lemon

Another artist, or in this case, artists, that's also renowned in this genre is King Gnu. What's amazing about this band is that they only recently debuted under their new alias and managed to make a mark unlike any other in the J-Pop world with their hit song, Hakujitsu. While I couldn't find any sources in regards to the meaning and message of the song, I definitely wouldn't miss one of the biggest clues, the lyrics. From what I can infer, King Gnu wanted to portray the regret of one's mistakes and the thought of getting stuck in the past. While listening, there was a verse that resonated within me. You cannot go back to old days anymore, even if you envy. You must start walking for tomorrow, even if it snows hard". 

King Gnu - Hakujitsu

2) Visual Kei

At first, I was not familiar with the term at all. However, after doing some research, I realized that I do listen to some songs of this genre, albeit infrequently. Visual Kei is one of the more reclusive genres in Japanese music. In fact, some see it as heavy metal, electronic or sometimes even pop. To the artists themselves, they find themselves saying that Visual Kei is not a music genre in itself, but instead freedom of expression and fashion. This can be seen in the actions of the artists known in this genre. They tend to have flamboyant fashion as well as singing styles. Furthermore, expressive gestures are used by artists to express themselves.

the gazettE

One such band is the GazettE. Currently in the music industry for 18 years, the band is still going strong with many fans all around the world. While I myself am not familiar with the band itself, their songs do interest me a little. One song that led me to listen to them was "Filth in the Beauty". The instrumentals and rough voice of the lead singer caught me by surprise as I did not realize that Japanese rock could be as catchy and entertaining as it was. For those interested in glam rock, the GazettE and many others such as Dir En Grey waiting to be uncovered.

the gazettE - Filth in the Beauty

3) City Pop

Originally termed as an offshoot of Japan and Western music called "new music", City Pop reached its peak popularity in the 1980s before losing their appeal. To explain more about it, the term was introduced for artists that projected an "urban" feel different from others. These artists generally shied away from Japanese influence while making music. In fact, some examples of overseas influence include American soft rock, boogie and funk. To be honest, I don't really listen to this genre that much as I am more of a modern person. I only found this genre by pure chance when I was browsing through the Japanese section in Spotify and gave it a try, While it was not bad, I also was not impressed by it. Maybe it was because there weren't many songs that I could listen to.

If you're keen to try out City Pop, I did some research and one of the notable artist I could find is Toshiki Kadomatsu.

4) Japanese Hip Hop

If there's music, there will definitely be hip hop. As can be seen everywhere in the world, hip hop is an integral part of music in every country's music. Directly influenced by old school hip hop of catchy beats and dance culture, Japanese Hip Hop has grown and diversified since the 2000s. As a fan of hip hop or rap in general, I find myself listening to this genre a lot whenever I want to relax and "chill out" to the music. With their catchy beats as well as the fast yet distinct vocals, I can't help but nod my head to the beat every time I listen to Japanese Hip Hop. I also listen to this genre whenever I am playing games as it gets me in the mood.


An artist or rapper in this case that caught my attention was KOHH. Having just released a new album, KOHH is one of my favourite Japanese rappers with his catchy rap songs. He reminds me of old school hip hop with his singing style as well as beats. Of course, every time I listen to him, my head nods to the beat. I especially like his song from the album 'worst', 'I think I'm Falling'. 

KOHH - I think I'm falling

Another rapper from this genre that is well-known is DAOKO. Most would know her from her collaboration with Yonezu Kenshi for the song, 'Fireworks'. Accompanying Yonezu, her vocals were superb in the song. You might know her for her singing in 'Fireworks', but her rapping is just as wonderful as her singing. 

DAOKO & Yonezu Kenshi - Fireworks

5) Japanese Rock

Also known as J-rock, Japanese rock has gained worldwide recognition, especially in Asia. I definitely can see why too! After listening to J-rock, I can confidently say that J-rock is one of the best rock out there. In fact, it is so popular in Japan that there has been the need to organize a new type of festival called the Fuji Rock Festival in the past. While it has been unfortunately cancelled this year, many J-rock fans still anticipate the day they can see their favourite rock band perform live. 


J-rock is one of my favourite genres of Japanese music just because of one band, ONE OK ROCK. If you are also a fan of J-rock but have not heard of ONE OK ROCK, I urge you sincerely to give their songs a try! Not only that their songs are really good and entertaining, but they also relate to me and every other teenager really well. Their songs are full of inspiration and strive to give light at the end of the tunnel for anyone who is lost can't find the way. One such song of theirs, 'We are', made me have a lump in my throat while fighting back emotions when I was listening to it for the first time. ONE OK ROCK is one of the artists that I will always look up to for a long time.

ONE OK ROCK - We are

Another J-rock band that is only second to ONE OK ROCK in my humble opinion is Kana-Boon. You might recognize the name, seeing as it wrote the critically acclaimed 'Silhouette' for the Naruto series. Their songs have been used for many openings and endings for many animes, and rightfully so. With catchy songs and fitting lyrics, I can see they are always contracted to write songs for animes.

Kana-Boon - Silhouette

6) Anison

Of course, how are we going to end without including this genre in? After all, Anison, the abbreviation of anime songs, was what got me into Japanese music in the first place. More about Anison, this genre focuses on the opening and ending songs of animes. In addition to that, they can also be from anime-styled video games or visual novels. Anison crosses all Japanese music genres but tends to feature upbeat J-pop and J-rock prominently. Lots of artists and groups have come to fame from making songs for animes, especially since there are much more audience in that area. 


Speaking of artists, LiSA is definitely one of the best in this genre. From SAO's Crossing Field to Demon Slayer's Gurenge, she has made her mark in Anison's history as one of the best. Her vocals are really powerful and unique. Whenever I listen to one of her songs, I tend to be filled with adrenaline and can't help but to sing along with her.

LiSA - Gurenge

Another renowned artist is Aimer. Aimer has been one of my favourite singer of all time because of her songs. She manages to evoke my emotions whenever I listen to her songs. BRAVE SHINE, especially. Whenever that song starts playing in my ear, I get reminded of my teenager years and reminisce on the times I dearly miss. Aimer was the first Japanese singer I started following and it was thanks to her that I manage to find myself engrossed in animes, mangas and light novels.


With that said, I do hope that this has helped you in some way by introducing the music genres with their artist and respective songs. By helping opening up your world of music, I do hope that you find a new favourite artist or group as well as support them!

Also, I'll list my favourite artists currently as well as some notable mentions if some of you are interested!

  1. Yonezu Kenshi
  2. Official Hige DANdism
  3. My First Story
  4. Kobasolo
  5. Yorushika

Written by Kai Yuichi

Anime Review: The Disastrous Life of Saiki K

Monday, June 29, 2020 / No Comments
Okay, here's the plan. With your superpowers, you're going to play a prank on your friends. As soon as your George comes in the classroom, you drop the bucket of flour that has been floating in the air for a while now, smothering the unlucky friend with white dust. You guffaw and clutch your sides at the sight of your friend's exasperated expression and mark off another successful day of pranking George!

Oh, did I mention superpowers? Of course! You have superpowers none other could have! Not only do you have telekinesis, but also mind-reading, inhuman strength and so on. With your superpowers, you've been living your daily life with constant excitement, flying high into the sky before freefalling, igniting the bad guys on fire and also using mind-read to score on all your recent exams! 

Of course, 'tis only but a figment of your imagination. You don't have telekinesis, nor do you have the ability to fly. You can only think of the countless things you could do if you ever had superpowers.

However, having superpowers is not what you might think it would be! Having to control your strength to not crush your spoon as you lift it to feed yourself, waking up every morning and hearing everyone's thoughts and also trying hard to not accidentally burn the whole world into a crisp! Suddenly, having superpowers seems more like a burden than a blessing!

Saiki and his group of friends

Such are the thoughts of Saiki K, an ordinary high-school student in Japan, except that he has all the aforementioned superpowers. In this anime review, Saiki-san is going to show to the ambitious you, that superpowers are nothing but a hindrance to him. 

The anime revolves around a high-school student who has been gifted with superpowers ever since he was born. He could talk just 14 days after being born, walk at the age of one, the list goes on. As you can probably tell, he's the subject of envy of all ambitious teenagers in the world. 

However, Saiki seems to beg to differ. His prowess has brought naught but inconvenience to his daily life. Having to constantly keep track of all your powers while also trying to keep a low profile proves to be a hard task for Saiki as he faces many challenges, usually brought by his group of friends that also deserve a top spot for being eccentrics!

Speaking of eccentrics, let's talk about Saiki himself. Including the traits mentioned above, he can be seen as an introvert, a severe case of one, in fact, as throughout the anime, Saiki rarely speaks to any of the other characters. Most of the time, he uses soliloquy to convey his thoughts, even when reacting to his friend's antics. In a way, he seems similar to Sakamoto where his deadpan expression has become a norm for others.

Saiki Kusou

While physically quiet, Saiki is surprisingly loud in his emotions. In the beginning, when Saiki was seen as an introvert to me, my assumptions were that he was a cold and unmoving MC. It wasn't long before my guesses were broken though. Due to his superpowers, Saiki is afraid of causing detrimental and irreparable changes to the world. As such, he taxes himself by making sure that his superpowers stays controlled and helping to solve problems along the way. Think of him as Superman, just that this Superman is extremely quiet and wishes to be left alone.

As always, actions speak louder than words when Saiki used his clairvoyance ability to prevent an accident at the gas station. A rock could've tripped a girl passing by, causing her to trip and kick the rock towards a truck driver. In turn, the truck driver would have lost consciousness and drive the car into the gas station. Seeing the future, Saiki could've ignored it and went on his way but chose to intervene instead by removing the cause of the accident in advance. 

Saiki removing the cause of the accident

Moving on, we have the happy-go-lucky Nendou Riki. Portrayed as a close friend of Saiki, and as such, he's also a quirky individual. His concerning lack of intelligence plus his scary face often pegs him as a bad guy by the others while in actuality, Nendou is just a carefree and kind student misunderstood.

Nendou Riki

In fact, his kindness and compassion can be seen in the anime many times. Once, he mustered up his courage and confessed to a girl at the beach, only to get turned down harsh by her. Later on, the girl could be seen drowning and Nendou immediately rushed to her aid. Upon coming ashore, albeit only with Saiki's help, he did not act all high and mighty in front of her and instead amicably responded to her gratitude. I think Saiki would definitely agree when I say that Nendou has a heart of gold, but his brain is filled with muscles.

Nendou receives the gratitude of the girl he saved

Next on the list is a narcissistic high-school girl with perfect proportions and killer looks. Teruhashi Kokomi is the very definition of Aphrodite, but her heart is much like Medusa. She is shown to be very conceited and a manipulator. This was at the start of the show, though. Over time, you begin to realise that she changes as she interacts more with everyone around her, such as Saiki and his group, rather than using everyone to her benefit.

Teruhashi Kokomi

In fact, the more she hangs out with Saiki, the more she realizes that she's beginning to fall for him. What began from trying to make him fall for her in order to feed her superiority complex, turned to her falling for him. Teruhashi also begins to show different sides of herself in front of Saiki which is something I appreciate. I always prefer character development rather than a stagnant character throughout the series, which some animes tend to do.

Now that we've gone through some characters, let's talk about the anime itself. As stated, the story revolves around Saiki and his daily life, in which he has to deal with ordinary folk while hiding is superpowers. In the anime, there is no specific core or goal as the anime consists of different "arcs" or "segments" that gets crammed into one episode. While this might seem too much for you, I actually think they nailed it. As previously mentioned, this is a comedy anime. As such, having speedy mini-episodes with multiple jokes in between is a diverse way to make sure that their audience stays laughing throughout the series.

The characters are well thought out as well. There's no generic character and there is frequent character development, if not always. I found myself liking it when Nendou and the others get sections to themself, as I get to understand more about them, and in turn, relate to them more. I probably mentioned this in my other anime reviews, but character development is essential to any anime.

However, I did get disappointed in some areas of the anime. One such category is the art. While I understand that this anime was released in 2016, I couldn't help but expect more. That being said, I wouldn't say the art style is absolutely horrible. It just gets the job done. Hence, if you are okay with an art style that is old, you definitely would be able to enjoy the show without minding the art.

An example of the show's art; one tone of colours

All in all, I would say that anyone that wants a laugh and nothing else should try this anime. There is no complex or underlying plot that one should be aware of. The characters were diverse and unique with character development. Fitting for a comedy show, the anime has a plethora of jokes that kept it from becoming too stale or repetitive, which is something I appreciate it kept me hooked to the anime. 

So, should you watch it? If you're looking for a pure comedy show, then I definitely recommend it. If you just want fresh air from the other animes, then this would definitely clear your mind. 

In conclusion, I enjoyed watching this anime and it would definitely lift your spirits up at the least if you give it a try.

Written by Kai Yuichi

Yushiko "Happy Father's Day" Whatsapp, LINE and Telegram Stickers

Friday, June 19, 2020 / No Comments
Father's Day is on Sunday, 21st of June. Any plans to celebrate with your daddy?We have designed a pack of Whatsapp, LINE and Telegram stickers for this special occasion to honour what our fathers had done for us. For our Chinese friends, the pack is also available in Chinese wordings. It is a first time for our OC Yushiko to appear as a messaging Sticker!


WhatsApp & iMessage

A) Download the free stickers here or
(You need to download the app on your phone)

B) In the top bar of app, search for 'Yushiko', 'Milkcananime' or the Pack Code "XGB62Z". Then follow the instruction in the app to download.


For fans of Telegram, we have also released the cute version of stickers. Click here to get the Telegram stickers


For LINE users, this is currently work-in-progress


If you are using Viber, this sticker pack is available here

We hope you love our Character Stickers Pack. If you like more, visit MILKCANANIME.CO for more Stickers Download. Please share our Stickers pack with your friends and loved ones!

Designed by Max Wong, Kim Gaby & Shirielise 

Summer 2020 Anime

Sunday, May 31, 2020 / No Comments
While spring comes to an end, I've been busy catching up on both old and newly-released anime. Of course, with more time on my hands, I also had the pleasure of watching recent anime that I refrained from watching. 

Upcoming Summer 2020 Anime

Kaguya-sama: Love is War kept me laughing from their antics while torturing me at the same time with the mind games between the two main characters. It has been quite a while since I've thoroughly enjoyed a romantic comedy like this one and I'm glad I chose to watch it!

On the other end, Sing "Yesterday" for Me caught me off guard by how much it resonates with me. The story dictates one of post-adolescence life of a college student with no ambitions in life. Just this alone struck a chord in me and whatever followed it pulled my heartstrings further. It captured the life of someone wandering about so well that it needed nothing more than that. The writing in this story was neither too excessive nor too minimal. There were many times I found myself in the main character's shoes, trapped in the same dilemma. While it was heart-wrenching to watch, this gave me time by myself that I normally wouldn't find to reflect and think about myself and the future.

Lastly, while it wasn't as good as I thought it would be after reading the manga a few years back, I was excited for Tower of God. Again, the anime was nothing special in my humble opinion, but the precedence of what could happen in the future exhilarated me. 

Tower of God was originally a manhwa, a Korean comic basically, that was recently adapted into its anime version. It came from a renowned Korean website called Naver Webtoon, where many other hidden gems of stories and comics are written. This means that with Tower of God being the first to be adapted to an anime, many other manhwa and comics could soon follow!

Countless manhwa available to read in Naver Webtoon

With that said, I can't say I didn't enjoy the season of Spring 2020 because of all the fun I had in watching them. I would also recommend everyone to try giving all the anime or even the ones that you avoided, a chance! Who knows, there might be an anime that you really love! However, as Spring 2020 comes to a wrap, Summer 2020 is right around the corner with brand new anime as well as sequels to previous anime to watch out for. And of course, I compiled a list of eye-catching anime that would be worth your while to check out!

Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season

Promotional image for Re: Zero 2

I would assume that everyone and their friends all know about then prequel of this anime so I would like to address this series first. To me, the news didn't really excite me since I wasn't into the first season of the anime. I just couldn't get emotionally invested into Subaru, who irked me quite a bit. To me, characters are a big part of an anime and would be an integral part of the deciding factor on whether I would enjoy the series. But, I can see the second season becoming a well-talked topic in the future as I am going to watch it myself, just to find out what will happen in that world. Overall, I'm not too excited about this but would definitely give the show a try.

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Kan (Third Season)

Promotional image for My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU 3

This, however, has kept me waiting for far too long. Ever since the second season ended 5 years ago, I have been waiting for news of another season to continue from the cliffhanger at the end of Season 2. You can imagine my despair when I found out that the newly-announced Season 3 was going to be postponed from Spring 2020 to Summer 2020. Enough about that though, let's talk about the anime. My Teen Romantic Comedy is, as you can obviously tell, a romantic comedy anime. There hasn't been much of this genre lately so I'm glad that a masterwork such as this came back to revitalize the genre a bit. 

Moreover, I can't wait for the revamped art style that might be coming, especially since Season 2 boasted a well-received art and animation style. The characters are also well-rounded in their own way, with each of them having a decently explained background. I just can't wait to sit down and watch the anime as soon as it comes out.

Shokugeki no Souma: Gou no Sara

Promotional image for Shokugeki no Souma: Gou no Sara

The last returning anime of this list, the fifth season of Shokugeki no Souma: Gou no Sara was originally supposed to air throughout April 2020. However, due to the current world affairs, it was postponed to July after its second episode. It definitely upset some fans as they were left hanging after only the second episode. 

I stopped watching the series after the third season because it felt repetitive for me where Souma would crush his opponents one by one, with totally unnecessary erotic scenes popping by once in a while. The series was definitely intriguing at first, but soon dropped down my list of animes to watch. However, it may change and catch my eye again in the fifth season with the upcoming world-class cooking competition in the horizon for Souma. Who knows, maybe our interest in the series will be invigorated in the fifth season!

The God of High School

Promotional image for The God of High School

From Crunchyroll Originals, The God of High School is slated to release Summer 2020. Because it's a brand new anime, I'll put the Preview Trailer here so that we can watch it together!

Official Trailer for The God of Highschool

From what I can see, the anime does seem compelling for me to watch. I do like anime about fighting and this seems to cut the cake for me. The animations look crispy and the animation is not bad either. I might be on the fence about the characters though. They seem pretty generic and cliche but that's only my first impression. Hopefully, the anime will turn out as good as the trailer portrays it to be!


Promotional image for Gibiate

Another new anime, Gibiate is set in Japan 2020, where a virus has spread through mankind and caused all infected to turn into different lifeforms that wreaked havoc all around. Again, I'll leave the trailer below here!

Official Trailer for Gibiate

On paper, the anime seems really interesting to me since I am an avid fan of the apocalyptic genre. The trailer, however, doesn't seem all that promising. Sure, the characters and art look amazing but the monsters and animation for them look weird to me. That wouldn't stop me from watching the anime though. Especially since another favourite aspect of mine is included in this show, which is samurais and ninjas! It's not often you get an apocalyptic anime so I'll definitely be giving this show a chance!


Cover issue for the manga of Rent-A-Girlfriend

I'm genuinely excited for the release of this anime since I do like my slice-of-life/romance anime and this does seem to fit the bill! This anime references itself from reality as rental services for parents, friends and even love interest exist in modern reality Japan! I can't lie about not being interested in this as it is a novelty that can't be found anywhere other than Japan. In a way, they are showcasing these rental services while delivering a story at the same time. As always, the trailer will be down below to watch!

Official Trailer for Rent-A-Girlfriend

The trailer looked better than I expected it to be. The art style is pleasing to the eye and the characters that they introduce seems to be full of personality. The story revolves around a college student that got dumped by his girlfriend and seeks to find comfort through a rental girlfriend. What happens afterwards seems similar to that of Nisekoi, another masterpiece in the romantic comedy scene. All in all, this will definitely be in my must-watch list for Summer 2020!

With that said, I'll end the list here! Do take note that there are other animes and movies releasing in Summer 2020, so be sure to keep an eye out for them! Let's all welcome the season of Summer 2020 in open arms, along with the entertainment it brings us!

Written by Yeon Hee