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Little Witch Academia

Saturday, May 13, 2017 / No Comments

Growing up, I was an avid fan of the Harry Potter novels. The concept of a wizarding school was unique at the time and I bet every 11-year-old wished they could receive the acceptance letter from Hogwarts. I even pre-ordered the final volume of the series and blazed through all 600-odd pages on the day it was released. Since then, I have not read or watched anything detailing the lives of aspiring witches and wizards, till Studio Trigger's Little Witch Academia came along earlier this year. 

My expectations were lofty, seeing that Trigger was the very studio that produced Kill la Kill and Space Patrol Luluco, among other successful projects. The OVAs that preceded the two-cour television anime generated much buzz as well, with the first one being part of the Anime Mirai project back in 2013 and the second film having an overwhelmingly successful Kickstarter campaign. It managed to meet its US$150,000 in a few hours. One might even suspect that the production team actually knew magic.

Unfortunately, the first thing I noticed from the first episode was the simplicity of the art. By now, I'm used to photorealistic backgrounds and seeing minute details such as the creases on a shirt and individual strands of hair. Although the actual animation itself was fluid, the simplicity of the art and character designs were jarring. However, the voice acting and humour made up for this flaw, but it didn't always work. For example, episodes with more exposition and still frames left me thinking whether I was watching a show on Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon circa 2000. Similarly, the humour had a decidedly 'western' feel, utilising gags and tricks I recognised from cartoons I watched when I was a child. Looney Tunes, anyone?

On the flip side, there is an attention to detail that rewards the more observant viewers. There are a chock full of references, be it to professional gaming, popular culture or even famous characters. Managed to spot Hellboy's hand, Mjolnir and Batman's utility belt in the image above? Studio Trigger even recreated common household items like a Kitchen Aid mixer and a Staedtler pencil. These mundane tools were actually important in highlighting how industrious and precise a particular character was.

The cast expands quickly as the series progresses. At first, there are three. The clumsy but energetic Kagari Atsuko (or Akko for short), the stereotypical bookworm Lotte Jansson and finally, the eccentric Sucy Manbavaran. The latter resembles a typical witch the most, concocting dangerous potions in her free time and pranking Akko on a regular basis. Soon, the student body, teaching staff and even general staff members are introduced through the course of the season. Each character has a distinct personality and members from the supporting cast do have their moments; plenty in fact, with whole episodes being dedicated to them. The artwork may not be the most detailed but the same can't be said for character development.

Although an overarching plot is revealed at the start of the second cour, the pacing of the first half nearly killed my interest. It used an episodic format, common in both western cartoons and comedy anime. Unfortunately, the jokes felt stale and formulaic. It usually involved Akko resolving a problem she caused in the first place, with a few missteps along the way due to how inept she was as a witch. I feel that the backstories and motivations of the characters should've been explored more instead. This was where the second cour came in, improving the pace and making Little Witch Academia something to look forward to, week in and week out. Perhaps my judgement would be less harsh if I binge watch it in a month's time instead.

Little Witch Academia is a late bloomer, much like its main character. It might not have the prettiest artwork and funniest jokes but the characters and attention to detail more than make up for those flows, along with an impressive second cour. It might just inspire other studios to take a crack at producing or adapting Harry Potter-esque anime too. I'm a sucker for student wizards and witches slipping up and getting tongue-tied while chanting spells. When done right, they are much more charming than the finished product slinging spells left and right with little to no effort.

Written by ET

A Letter To Sakamichi

Tuesday, July 1, 2014 / No Comments

Dear Sakamichi-kun,

I've been wanting to applaud your awesome achievements for quite a long time, but I couldn't seem to find the exact moment to convey my admiration and respect for you. Who would have imagined that a person with no remote hint of athleticism could transform into a jaw-dropping, unpredictable driving force which has countlessly thrown many people off by surprise? The initial doubts were tough to break through, and I'm sure a lot of people could feel your struggles to rid common stereotypes and such. I'm so mesmerised by your mamachari! I like how you've made riding a bicycle such an enjoyable process even in seemingly impossible situations. Your kira-kira smile could lift anybody's spirit up anytime.

I was indirectly introduced to your story through another fan's appreciation of it. I don't consider myself athletic to begin with, but I love cycling though to me it's more of a leisure activity than something on a competitive level. Seeing your sunny personality shine over your surroundings just warms the heart, and entices me to follow up on your world. Your infatuation with Love Hime has made me chuckle on several occasions. I still remember the incredulous expression on Imaizumi-kun's face as he rode past you on that steep climb. Your clueless reactions towards many things have brought joy and relief. Yes, relief. Don't underestimate your own capabilities, Sakamichi-kun. You've got no idea how much impact your presence has graced the critical moments throughout the course. Ne, what do you think of Kanzaki-san? She's lovely, isn't she? I find her friend Aya a little too much of an eyesore. But don't tell her, yeah? I feel that you and Kanzaki-san would make quite the cute couple.  

That said, doesn't it feel great to be blessed with so many friends who are constantly and unconditionally supportive of one another? I might be wrong, but I feel that among all those people Naruko-kun seems like he could one day become your best friend. Of course, I can imagine how jealous Imaizumi-kun might get if that were to happen. As for the senpais, all of them clearly appreciate you even though their methods are drastically different. When your bicycle finally gave way during the last day of training camp, I didn't expect that Teshima-senpai would appear to offer the assistance that you so needed the most. That scene is definitely proof of how quick anyone could recover from a serious fall if they wanted to. Like anybody else, he had wanted you to clear the goal.

The most heart-stopping times are undoubtedly during the much anticipated Inter-High tournament. I don't think I've encountered anything more intense, dynamic and disturbing than the happenings of Inter-High. That Midousuji really gets on everybody else's nerves! Incidentally, he's pretty much the disturbing element throughout the series. I wish I was there to pull you up when you got implicated in the wreck. Then again, Makishima-senpai had so much faith in you even though he wasn't entirely certain whether you would be able to pull yourself back onto the road. It was exceptionally amazing of you to finally ride past so many cyclists to return to your team. Your unwavering determination to assist Tadokoro-senpai back to the team after his sickness had been eating into him is simply beyond commendation. But remember, don't forget to let others help you too! Imaizumi-kun and Naruko-kun have so much admiration and respect for you that you mustn't forget to let them support you when you are suffering! It's no longer simply about teamwork. It's loyalty in a long-lasting friendship.

I've got to admit that I'm rather upset that I wouldn't be able to see you guys again until early October. Why must the series end here? I find it extremely abrupt. Never mind, all things good are worth waiting, is that what you would tell me? Then I shall just keep anticipating where Team Sohoku would lead me to!

Thank you, Sakamichi-kun. Ogenki de.

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪

A Letter To Asuka Rie

Monday, September 25, 2017 / No Comments

Dear Rie,

I wonder if letters and such are ever delivered across different dimensions of space, but I am sure that doesn't bother you at all since anything seems possible these days. By the way, a happy belated birthday to you! Did you get a cake or something? Well, perhaps you were still fighting aliens then. I don't know much about pilots, aliens and all that stuff that goes on in a world that is largely different from what I live in, but I imagine a massive sci-fi movie playing on a gigantic screen for that matter. 

                                                  Stealth Bomber Z-36 “Everest”

The idea of aliens seems to have evolved into something more complex with time. Do you ever wonder what is terrifying in your world? The quality of life is often barely passable as underlying problems make their way to the surface of society, and when things become messy the damage control is mostly scattered. Aliens take advantage of vulnerability, because mankind would be too occupied with their own issues. Anyway, the deployment of heroic acts like yours shed a big, bright light through the gloom and doom!

As I am not good with mechanics or whatever you call those things, I will just say that the set-up looks amazing. The use of thoughts and speech is rather genius! But don't you ever worry about the complete lack of buttons? Well, I am sure your technology takes absolute care of every detail. Does your jet have an emergency button? Just wondering!

If I ever spot a peculiar-looking jet penetrating the clouds, I will certainly wave at it! Thank you for what you do! 

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪


Tuesday, September 1, 2015 / No Comments
Hello readers, a new month has started. Welcome to September, when some things are about to happen; they may or may not affect you, unless you are a little like me: the mind would rather focus on others. A little more than three months till Christmas, which would probably conjure its own set of idiosyncrasies. Anyway, if you are from and in Singapore, major events await. Yeah, I think that we all know what I'm referring to. Wait, you don't? Well, imagine that you are caught in the midst of colours, loud activities, cheering, screaming, crying (?), here and there, odds and ends, blah blah blah, yeah so do you know what I'm talking about now?

The Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention, otherwise known as STGCC! What have you been thinking? The two-day event will open on the 12th and 13th of September, at Sands Expo Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands. I'm usually prone to being overwhelmed by something like this, and not necessarily in a flattering way especially when different thoughts and such begin to clash with one another inside my head. Nonetheless, I will be there this year, and hopefully I return in one piece. Pun absolutely not intended, although I adore Luffy.  

If any reader could recall, or is vaguely familiar, I attended the STGCC last September which marked my first visit ever in my entire life. I wouldn't be honest with myself if I hadn't ranted bits and pieces, but yeah I did appreciate the time, exposure and experience there. I bought some really cute badges from Secret Garden, and candy. I wonder what the feeling would be like this time. Nope, I don't want to think that aging has got anything to do with the clashing stuff in my brains. Well, maybe that is a natural process anyway. Yeah, I'm looking forward to the event!  

In other areas, let's see...yeah, I bought new manga recently. Don't ask me just how many books that I have left unwrapped, untouched, unread, un...never mind. If you have already read my letter to Wakako, may I reiterate that it would be more fulfilling to follow the manga as well, since those two-minute episodes just don't do the series much justice. The fifth tankoubon is the latest release, on 18th July 2015. Waaaa, Wakako joins the list of solitary diners who constantly redefine the joy and fun of eating and drinking. I have yet to open the first volume, but I hope it would be anytime soon! Okay, I'm just hungry!

Speaking of food, I have stumbled upon some delicious-looking, matcha-flavoured a magazine. Nope, I didn't taste any of that; I have never tasted anything like that in my entire life, and I'm so tempted...well, not really. As this is strictly my personal opinion, I shall not reveal what brand of mooncakes that is - the matcha-flavoured mooncakes are [insert inappropriate word here] expensive per piece. Gosh, I wish that I could have some if there were some affordable alternative. Okay, I know that I'm such a matcha freak. There is always my matcha latte fix in any situation, though not quite the same as wolfing down a matcha-flavoured mooncake. Seriously, I'm beyond hopeless.

Any readers registering for year-end's Japanese Language Proficiency Test? I submitted mine just yesterday. A few of us from Japanese class will be sitting for it together! Three months to the big day. Then again, why am I even counting down at this time?

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪

Starmyu: A Letter To Nayuki

Saturday, October 24, 2015 / 2 Comments

Dear Nayuki,

Ogenki desuka? You don't know me, but I saw you and Hoshitani on your first day at Ayanagi Academy. I was one of the hopefuls trying out at the auditions for its musical department. Actually, we might have even passed each other. The auditions were rather insane, and the commotion had caught the rest of us by surprise as well. In any case, the day went by just like that. Oh, congratulations for being selected into Team Otori, led by Otori Itsuki of the Kao-kai!

I'm glad to see that you and Hoshitani have become fast friends. It is amazing just how effortless anybody within the musical calibre could break into song in any situation without looking like they are secretly from outer space. Don't get me wrong though. I find the dolphin really cute and complementing of your personality. I believe that Hoshitani feels the same too!

Hmm, I didn't know that the dormitory is spacious enough to prepare such wholesome meals. Anyway, it is dangerous to touch the lid like that! You could have just turned off the heat. The last thing Hoshitani wants is to see your parboiled fingers as part of his bento. Okay, that is a little disturbing. But I'm sure that those fingers wouldn't be any delicious. Oh great, I have just done it again. I wish that I could try your cooking though.  

Unfortunately, I didn't make the first cut for the audition. Yeah, I know that the musical department is notoriously difficult to get into. There probably wasn't anything remotely promising about my vocals. The mere idea of performing on stage is enough to send shivers down my spine, but in a good way of course. I used to perform a few times in front of a considerably large turnout. While those moments were definitely nerve-wrecking, I was still happy to be breaking into song.  

The ending piece by Team Otori is pretty elaborate, even though it isn't anything surprising due to the rather high influx of musical offerings from other counterparts over the years. But you guys look really amazing! Yeah, I suppose that certain things still do grow on people. This one looks set to do the same.  

Anyway, I must say that you did an awesome twist for the improvisation. I could only imagine what it was like in that scenario. You would make quite the performer! I enjoyed that piece tremendously.

Even though we can't be classmates, I shall continue to root for you throughout the rest of your time in Team Otori! Ogenki de.

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪

Loots of anime badges from Cosfest Comics Black Market 2014

Thursday, June 19, 2014 / No Comments
I didn’t attend any anime/manga/cosplay conventions since last year. Thus, it was a good 9 months since I had attended any conventions in Singapore (I blame it on my new student's life). When I came to know that there is a Cosfest Comics Black Market on 15 June, I was excited to attend this event. It was to be the day after my exam. I was so looking forward...

What attracted me to this event was the mention of the word “Black Market”. I want to witness what the fuss was about. Secondly, the banner for this Cosfest event resemble a game that I knew of ~ Final Fantasy XII. Doesn’t it look like an Archades City in the game?

                A buzzling market with aircon and floating ships. Black Market excites me...

After ceremoniously paying for the entrance fee of $10, I strolled into the convention hall for an afternoon of fun and gathering. I saw a female cosplayer with outlandish costume and over-sized wings. She looked like a character out of Gundam. I have to admit my knowledge of Japanese Anime is limited. But hovering above 1.8m, she did cut a commanding figure. When she walked with that gear on, the earth trembled. I thought with my height of 1.74m, no way am I going to stand beside I might get poked by her metal wings.

  I found out she was a special guest Fei Fei. At 1.8m tall, she cuts an impressive figure! Credits to all the Cosplayers
The event hall was small, just about the size of the ICDS event last year held in Scape. To say I was disappointed wasn’t an understatement. If not for the fact that I was itching to attend a convention after a hiatus of 9 months, I will leave the place with much regret. A regret that I paid $10 and travelled overseas for this event. (Yes, I consider Sentosa to be overseas..) And the opportunity cost lost for not choosing Anime Matsuri in Funan (Yes both events overlapped each other). I like to rattle a bit of Economics since I love the subject so much ><

I remembered what I came for ~ that is to make myself happy by spending money! I intended to get some badges to kickstart my collection. Fortunately, Cosfest Comics Black Market seemed to do just that. Rows and rows of booths were selling fan-made badges and art drawings. It’s funny how I used to just glance at badges and move on. This time, I was holding them and trying to pick some kawaii ones. At the end of the 2 hours, I had bagged a handsome loot of about 30 badges, 2 keychains, 1 Art Drawing and a Kuji-Lucky Draw. Didn’t feel a pinch, just a wide grin across my face.

Alright, here’s the loots I got.

     My favourite! Cute chibi drawing. I like the matt fabric-like material on these badges.

 The Diabolik Lovers badge in the centre was from Rolling Bunnies. As for the rest, I really cannot remember where I've bought from. I'm such an impulsive buyer...

                    This one is from Baahk. Slightly bigger than the rest.

                Above badges by Twin Rabbit Design are so adorable and affordable!

                          These trio are also from Twin Rabbit Design. Cute Chibi

                I also bought a Miku trinklet and a fanart card. Trying to be artistic...

I tried my luck on the $15 Kuji game and got a Natsume Yuujinchou letter prize. I could use better luck -_-

                                       Okay, at least I got a decent poster for the $10 entrance fee
 Alright, that's it for me. Sorry there are not many Cosplay photos here as most flocked to Anime Matsuri Funan. But I looted what I want. Now where shall I hang these badges...?

I look forward to seeing you for the next Cosfest event :

Cosfest Asia: The Final Fantasy
July 5, 11am - July 6, 7pm @ Downtown East


Written by Max

Game Review: Yakuza Kiwami 2

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 / No Comments
Yet another remake of the successful Yakuza series by Sega and Ryu ga Gotoku Studio, Yakuza Kiwami 2 is sure to blow away all fans, new and old alike.

Genre: Action-adventure game
Developer: Sega, Ryu ga Gotoku Studio
Initial release date: 7 December 2017
Platform: Playstation 4, Microsoft Windows


The story takes place a year after the events of Yakuza Kiwami with a shot of Kiryu's lean and muscular body in the bedroom. Woken up by the sweet and adorable Haruka, they both decide to make a trip to pay respects to their own family. Things took a turn for the worst when they witness the fifth chairman of the Tojo Clan, Terada, assassinated in cold blood. The group of hitmen revealed that they are from the Omi Alliance of Sotenbori, Tojo Clan's equivalent of Kamurocho. With an anxious grip on the letter Terada gave him, Kiryu makes his way to the Omi Alliance, in hopes of making an alliance between the two overlords of the Japanese Yakuza world.

However, his trip gets interrupted when he meets the son of the current chairman of the Omi Alliance, Ryuji Goda. Also, known as the Dragon of Kansai, Ryuji Goda is a headstrong man with strong ideals. Naturally, their ideals and interests did not align with one another, resulting in Ryuji saying a few words that established a tension between the two dragons.

"There is only room for one dragon in this world."


In Yakuza Kiwami 2, the team over at the studio brought extensive changes to the gameplay. Firstly, brawls felt more natural and lifelike. Not only that, fights can even make its way into several buildings and stores, giving the game its realistic effect. One change that made fans across the world rejoice was the fact that you could now enter buildings without having to wait an eternity for it to load, which ruined the immersive gameplay Yakuza had to offer.

More importantly, the graphics in Yakuza Kiwami 2 underwent a significant upgrade, without having a major performance impact. The streets are crowded with detailed bystanders that have their own stories. They even cheer you on in a fight from time to time. This made me feel as if the Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) were actual humans behind a screen as they even had topics to talk about. The two towns of the Yakuza series look even better than before with the latest engine and graphics update. Kamurocho, like always, is a hustling and bustling city that offers a wide range of services; bars, eateries, arcades, and even a batting centre to satisfy your baseball needs. It brings out the liveliness of the town with every NPC chatting amongst themselves while walking towards their own destinations. Sotenbori, on the other hand, is packed with massive billboards, signs, and advertisements. It's the perfect place to have a great time with your friends and family. They even give you the freedom to travel between Kamurocho and Sotenbori to sightsee freely, something which you could never do in preceding Yakuza games.


Similar to all Yakuza games in the series, substories are incorporated in the game to spice up the interactions Kiryu has with the civilians of Kamurocho and Sotenbori. They are basically side-quests that you can do in your free time or whenever you want a pause from the usual punch and kick scenarios in the game. They add a certain level of enjoyment in which players get to see Kiryu interacting with NPCs and his amusing reactions to their ridiculous requests. From preventing a scam to even buying a pair of briefs for an unfortunate gentleman, substories cover all aspects of entertainment, sometimes even adding in a touch of modern-day issues for the player to relate to.

Majima Saga

Unfortunately, in Yakuza Kiwami 2, you can't play as Majima in the main story. However, don't fret just yet. Once you have advanced to a certain part in the main story, you'll unlock Majima Saga. What's that? Well, instead of incorporating Majima into the playable main story, the folks over at Ryu ga Gotoku studio instead made a separate story for Majima. You can play as Majima and have his own fighting styles, which I personally was a huge fan of ever since Yakuza 0. However, since it's a side story, it isn't as long as the main story. Despite that, by the end of Majima Saga, I'll guarantee that you would have gone through a box of tissues.

Cabaret Grand and Bouncer Missions

If you were an aficionado of the cabaret club mini-game that existed in Yakuza 0, rejoice! The mini-game is back in Yakuza Kiwami 2 with more beautiful hostesses. Tackle your way through the Cabaret Grand Prix, a league formed to find and advertise the most popular cabaret club in the business. As you progress in the Prix, you will unlock platinum hostesses, which are your best ones. Moving forward, you can trigger special events with said hostesses that will reward you, or rather, them with plenty of experience. All in all, the end goal of the cabaret club is to make sure that each patron leaves with a massive grin.

Bouncer Missions, on the other hand, are bounties with varying difficulties that you can take up in a certain club in Kamurocho. Most missions end with you having to take out a mini-boss, while certain ones have a time limit. They reward you with items that may help you progress easier into the main story, so be sure to keep an eye out for them!

Overall Impression

Whether you're a fan or not of the Yakuza series, picking up this game is definitely worth its inexpensive price. You get tons of content that can easily stretch up to over a hundred hours if you decide to complete the game to its entirety. If you enjoy a game with a simplistic goal of beating up every bad guy into a pulp while having its serious and emotional moments sometimes, this is the game for you. From the main story to the ridiculousness of some side-quests, you will be on the edge of your seat seeking more.

Overall rating: 4/5

Written by Yeon Hee
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