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During Japanese class earlier, my sensei had joked about the many different mooncakes that we could indulge in on Mid-Autumn, and how the calories were never a concern for most people. Yeah, until then I have to say that the idea of taking in all that sugar and stuff was hardly a hindrance. But like all other festivities, Mid-Autumn is just a yearly affair. My sensei also told us something interesting. In Japan, there is Tsukimi, which literally means looking at the moon. Instead of mooncakes, they eat tsukimi dango, that are sweet rice flour dumplings. They also have special soba or udon to commemorate the occasion.

Speaking of which, I once had tsukimi udon several years ago. It was at an old eatery in one of the shopping malls. Mine was probably the simplest of all versions: soft, chewy udon in a light-flavoured broth topped with a raw egg. I didn't regret eating that though it was kind of expensive for something that simple. It was definitely a refreshing experience which would probably have remained unnoticed till this day had I not given it a try. The Japanese have seasonal menus every year that are just impressive and gut-wrenching, especially for people like myself who isn't anywhere near Japan and won't be anytime soon. 

See what I mean? How many people have they intended to kill with a line-up like above? There is a Full Moon Cheese Tsukimi, a Cheese Tsukimi and a Tsukimi Burger! Okay, perhaps they don't really look that impressive to some people. But I have taken a fancy to the little rabbit on the moon. Isn't it cute? A burger-chomping usagi. I wish that I could let them take my money! Nope, ordering the Egg McMuffin isn't the same.

Apparently, there is another form of Tsukimi on the web though not really relevant to moon-watching and such. She has popped out as the very first image on Google, and her name is Tsukimi which is the main character of Princess Jellyfish, a manga slash anime series. Well, I thought that I would just put her picture here. No other reason is necessary. She does look extremely awkward here. Anyway, I hope that most of you have had some mooncake and tea! I couldn't see the moon anywhere though, but I'm sure that the rabbit had been somewhere munching on a burger. 

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♫

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